This is a Great Time for Change

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  • This is a Great Time for Change

By Mark Kaplan / June 11, 2020

When have you ever had so many things on your plate to be concerned about?  All good citizens feel empathy for BLM. It might be a turning point in our national consciousness if the effort can be sustained. When have we had a contagion that threatens the very fabric of our society? Not many people alive that experienced the Spanish Flu of 1918.

We seem to be resilient to all influences even though we are being inundated by external tsunamis. Its as though we are running a race and being forced to pick up five pound weights along the course. How many can we carry?


What is Important?

These times are causing some important values to rise to the surface. First we know we have to be healthy. We see the value in family and friends and are daily concerned about their health and ability to survive these times. We are concerned about our own ability to work and provide value. We should have concern about how we provide value in the future as everything changes.

Not all changes will be bad. We are learning how to exercise on our own and how to entertain ourselves. Most relationships are growing closer as we realize other people might be the only thing we can really depend on.

Self-actualization has more meaning now than ever. This is the opportune time to discover who we are and what we could become. We are becoming more grounded because we are not striving to purchase material goods we cannot afford. We are not anxious to travel, go to big events, or even mix in big gatherings.

We see the value of taking care of our mental, physical and emotional selves. We see the value of helping others do the same. Never has the Nation reacted to the abuse of other citizens as we are now. We are concerned about how we are living our lives.

How Do We Step to the Highest Level of Potential?

Steven Kolter writes in his book The Rise of Superman that extreme athletes experience bliss while engaging in activities that endanger their lives while pushing their envelope. They enter a state of flow in which all movement becomes a blending of intellect, body, and subconscious without actually thinking. They reach peak performance.

We can achieve the same without risk to our mortality. Pursuing a passion or work in which we are fully engaged and in which we can drop into flow, expresses who we are and reaches our full potential. With so much quality time available to us now, we should think about who we could become.

The behaviors of learning, creating, and contributing not to mention exercise all stimulate happiness brain chemicals. They are the essence of flow. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins that fuel our highest levels of achievement.

Learning, creating, or contributing to help ourselves become who we are and benefit the lives of others is what Nature intended for man and why she gives us happiness brain chemicals for these intentions and behaviors.

This may be the era when we can rethink our intentions and goals. Change is coming and there is no one who would deny it. While we worry about that change, lets take positive steps to make us more valuable in the change. Let’s take steps to make our lives more rewarding. This is a great opportunity to create a new beginning.

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