How We Enjoy Intensity without Stress

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By Mark Kaplan / January 30, 2020

Peak performance is intensity without stress. This is a state of flow in which we are focused and without distraction. We allow our brain and body to perform as they know how from previous practice and mastery of the mechanics or fundamentals of our endeavor.


What does this mean? Operating at our peak is operating in a relative state of mental calmness. If we are flying down a snow covered hill on skis at 50 mph or riding a 40 foot surfing wave, we can be intensely engaged, but we have to release our performance to our brain and body.

If we have never done either before, we will probably die. If we have practiced the mechanics and skills for years and continuously pushed our capabilities to just below what we are attempting, we might succeed. Getting into flow requires that we are challenged, but the challenge is not above our capabilities.

Who Gets into Flow States?

A speaker, a soldier, a surgeon, a musician, or a writer can all experience flow. So can a warehouse manager that just received 10 trucks at once. So can any manager faced with a big problem.

The difference between intensity and stress is whether you think your are going to succeed or fail. In a state of flow, the prefrontal cortex shuts down. This is the part of the brain that is judgmental and critical. In the middle of intensity, you can’t be arguing with yourself.

This is why in the army or on the football field, there has to be one leader. There can’t be second guessing. If participants have lost faith in the leader, there might be second guessing which could lead to dysfunction. If you are in an emergency and you are second guessing your decisions, this is a state of stress and maybe dysfunction.

How is Your Life Going?

Consider how you live each day. Are you in situations in which you have competence? Do you have blocks of time to focus so you are not interrupted? Are you good at the mechanics of your endeavor? Are you pushing just enough to make it challenging and interesting?

These are the requirements of flow and peak performance.

What causes stress? Do you have an important job to do but are constantly being interrupted? Are you afraid of being judged for your performance by those above you or below you? Are you uncertain about your skills for the task? Is your job or reputation on the line? Are you short of time or resources to complete the task? These are intense experiences that cause stress and less than peak performance.

Intensity within the proper mental state is creating brain waves in the alpha or theta states of 8 hertz to 12 hertz approximately. These are the states of mediation, calm, and creativity. You can be in beta wave state of 14 hertz to 30 hertz but you might not be in flow with beta waves. Over 30 hertz your brain is experiencing gamma waves and your whole body is reacting to a state of anxiety. You are in the state fight or flight and pretty much out of control. The lizard brain has taken over instead of the two brains that have evolved to balance it.

We Get Into Habits of Flow or Anxiety

People can get into the habit of operating in one state or the other. If you experience anxiety every day, your life has gotten out of control for you. If you find that you are very productive everyday and are not exhausted mentally and emotional each day, you are probably engaged at your level of capability and have good support.

There are some important practices to help engage in flow on a daily basis. Flow is our best state for learning, creating, and performing. It is hard to do any of these three with an unsettled mind. We need ample rest. We need relaxation and recovery periods.We should have good nutrition and exercise to maintain our performance over a long period of time. We need to have confidence in our financial situation and support in our personal and work relationships.

In addition, it helps if we enjoy our work and feel purposeful. It is even better if we think we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves. If we take satisfaction that we are contributing to the welfare of our families, organization, and community at large, we are going to feel more fulfilled.

How The Right Habits Make Us Happy

One of the reasons following these requirements and practices supports our efforts is they all produce happiness brain chemicals for our intentions, our actions, our satisfaction, and our growth. These are all considered by Nature to be survival practices for which we are bathed in dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. If we are physically active we can get endorphins.

Operating in states of flow or peak performances creates a sense of unity with all things and as extreme athletes say, a state of bliss. This is why people get addicted to habits and behaviors that create rewards. Their brains are telling them to do it again and again.

It might be hard to believe because we think its natural, but nature induces us to learn, find food, have sex, raise families, and help others. The practices to get into flow follow the guidelines Nature has created for us to thrive and more importantly to thrive. Consider that 99% of all life that has existed on earth is extinct. 30,000 species a year disappear. Nature knows what is good for us and tries to induce us to follow her lead.

The 5 behaviors of learning, creating, contributing, health and fitness are survival behaviors that will get you into flow and make your life productive and purposeful.

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