Happiness is Balance

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By Mark Kaplan / March 23, 2020

There was a time before the lock downs that people wanted choices of the quality of lifestyle they would live. When people did have to go to work they wanted work that was both good remuneration and satisfying. They also wanted enough time to enjoy their personal lives.

Work life balance has become a well- accepted term for this feeling that people were living a meaningful life. Isn’t that what it boils down to? If I feel I am a victim or being pressured into a stressful life, I am not in control and not living life on my terms.


What is Happiness?

I think this is a question people never ask. They just know if they are happy or not happy. Or maybe they are somewhat happy. Work life balance and happiness are feelings. Work life balance is a summary of whether a person is getting enough time for each of their priorities.

Happiness is also a summary. A person looks at the whole picture of their life and decides whether it is rewarding and they are grateful or whether they have too much pressure and not enough rewards. This is a reason we shop. We want some rewards to weigh the scale in our favor. It is also a reason we resort to a lot of negative habits like overeating, drugs, alcohol, pills and gambling. We are trying to offset the scales in our favor.

Happiness also has a scientific definition. It is the result of having stimulated certain hormones and neurotransmitters. The result of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins are all a feeling of happiness. They are not BMW happiness, but in the now feelings of gratitude.

Having Happiness Every Day

When I began this campaign of books and posts on happiness, it was because I found I was writing about my life and the results of my research. You can have happiness every day if you accept the scientific explanation of happiness. It is the feelings we get when we engage in certain behaviors.

It so happens, these behaviors align with what Nature expects of us if we are to survive and thrive. It worked for early man and it works today. If we are still here in a few thousand years, 2020 might be considered early man.

Learning, creating, contributing, health, and fitness tick off all the boxes for stimulating happiness brain chemicals. One criteria is that each activity have some challenge and that our intention is to improve our own existence or the lives of others.

Notice how successful people immediately turn to giving back. After years of living with challenges and enjoying the engagement, the only feeling at retirement that equals achievement is contributing. We get dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin for growth and we get oxytocin for contributing.

Why is Happiness Balance?

Happiness is an indication like a Richter Scale of whether we are engaged in the right behaviors. When we are experiencing the autonomy and independence of making choices that improve us or others we are going to be rewarded with good feelings.

These feelings become addictive. We want more. We will continue to pursue the behaviors that are delivering our good feelings and gratitude. This is what happens when people become passionate. There is no stopping a person on a passionate pursuit. Their gauge of happiness becomes their opportunity to continue. Resistance might become annoyances perhaps, but never roadblocks.

Their lives are perfectly balanced if they are allowed to pursue their passion. It is their purpose and their identity. Think of Taylor Swift. Do you picture her as anything but a song writer and entertainer? Ask her what she loves most in life and that is her definition as well.

A successful life is one in which a person is living for their passions. It might be family, learning, creating, contributing, exercise, or health. It usually involves a person’s growing so they can continue contributing. Happiness is enjoying your intentions, actions and achieving progress. A happy life is a balanced life.

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Get the E-Course “Happiness is Balance”. Ten easy to read chapters on scientifically proven behaviors that create happiness. Lock Down Price of $2.99 on Amazon

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

See Post Happiness, Fitness, and Mindfulness

See Post How We Enjoy Intensity without Stress

See Post Life Style and Work Life Balance

See Post Creativity Can Be Career Changing

See Post Increasing the Flow in Your Life

See Post Fitness Nutrition and Weight Management

Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts Paper Back $6.95 Kindle $2.99 Buy on Amazon


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