This Is A Chance to Pick Freedom

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By Mark Kaplan / June 19, 2020

Why has freedom always been such a grand pursuit by persecuted people and the last cry in the movie Brave Heart? Why did people flee England to face the perils of the sea and a new land to reach America? Why does the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution spell out the meanings of freedom?

We have laws and we have enforcers. The laws are designed to protect everyone. There is a question of the intentions of the enforcers. The laws are enforced by local cities, the police, mayors, governors, Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. Our nation seems to be divided on what those freedoms should be.


What is Freedom to You?

I don’t spend my day evaluating my freedoms, but I do engage in activities I love. I have the freedom to engage in my passions and conduct my business as long as I meet many regulations. It usually doesn’t seem burdensome. I drive obeying the laws and I do the same on my road bike.

What would it feel like if I was constantly worried about being harassed by those enlisted to protect our freedom? What would it feel like if those in charge of protecting us were interpreting beyond the law what that freedom means for different groups of people?

What does it mean when a President and a Congress can decide that certain groups are entitled to bigger tax relief or more federal aid than the rest of the population? How do we feel when we see the defense industry and various groups get more benefits and greater protection than other groups because of the effectiveness of high paid lobbyists? Where is the freedom for all?

This upcoming election is certainly about who gets more freedom in this country. It is also a referendum on whether we are going to decide all lives matter. How many groups of peoples and interests have been jeopardized by this administration, this Congress, and the Courts?

The people taking to the streets are there for more reasons than to promote Black Lives Matter. They are executing voter’s rights that don’t seem to be acknowledged by a system that is supposedly ruled by voters. It is not. In the end, there are more voters than administrators. It seems we have to at times remind the administrators of this fact. If we call in the army to suppress the right to demonstrate, we are truly living under autocratic or dictatorial rule. I don’t think we are and most people of influence agree.

What Should You Do to Express Your Freedom?

We have rights, choices, and maybe moral obligations. We should enjoy our rights. We should respect the rights of others and as currently demonstrated do all in our power to see those rights expressed. We should feel obligated to make our personal contribution to the wellbeing of everyone.

Stephen Covey says we should begin our growth internally and let it manifest outward. If I take care of myself, I appreciate the blessing of life and the capabilities of the vessel into which I was born. It has been my experience that I have wanted in a spiritual way for everyone to feel the same. I have felt connected to my body, Nature and mankind.

It becomes easier to make the moral decisions when we feel connected to ourselves, others and Nature. We realize all is one and a body should not feed on itself like a cancer just as we should not deny basic freedoms to others out of feelings of superiority.

I take care of my health. I write and work to help others better enjoy their lives. I hope that others will do the same. We have real freedom when everyone feels connected and is allowed to pursue their own self-actualization. As a species, we have a need to evolve and allow everyone to develop their potential.

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