The Corona Has Our Lives Feeling Out of Balance

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By Mark Kaplan / May 22, 2020

Most of us are trying to get used to the constant idea that something or things are missing from our lives. The physical body we inhabit is always trying to reach homostasis which means after anxiety it wants to relax and after exertion it wants more oxygen.

What are the things missing in our lives we struggle with every day that would love to find balance? Most people are missing social contact and touch. We can’t yet go to a restaurant and enjoy the comfort of being waited on.  The job scene is not stable whether we are employed or not.

Our future is uncertain after years of preparation with savings or investments. We try to tell ourselves we can adapt to wearing masks and waiting longer for any type of service whether brick and mortar or online.


How Do We Find Balance?

We have to start letting go of the lives we used to live. We are going through the 5 steps of Loss as described by Kubla Ross. We have all felt this pandemic was surreal and then perhaps anger and depression. Now we have to get into acceptance and develop plans and strategies.

We have to assess what we have that works for us. How can we build a satisfactory social structure that will take care of our human needs for conversation and touch? How do we calm our anxiety about the unknown future? How has our feelings of purpose changed and how are we going to feel we are making a contribution?

Identifying the areas that have changed that cause us discomfort is a start. Each needs a plan and not necessarily an immediate answer. I have taught surf lessons for 11 years and now it might not be an industry as the virus turns everyone’s vacation planning upside down.

A friend had an upward trajectory career at Lyft and now he has been told his department is no longer needed. Another friend was designing the infrastructure for a new city and now plans have been shelved because we don’t need more office space.

The Opportunity

Yes, everything can seem quite dark. 70 million years ago a volcano covered the earth in soot and the dinosaurs died. That can be metaphorical. We think of dinosaurs like Blockbuster as entities that can’t make the change. Things that can’t adapt.

This is our challenge and opportunity. What would you like your life to look like from now on?  Would you like some new personal habits? Can you find something to do with free time? Is there a new career that would perfectly suit your desires? What could you now do that would make you feel purposeful?

I am looking at new opportunities and would love to associate with an organization that aligns with my interests in health and fitness. I also love most types of recreation and love road biking. I have the desire to be out of the house and work among people. I would like to think I am helping to improve lives for the people who are also looking for balance.

Find a Life That Brings Balance

Nutritious eating and exercise are important. Many experts are saying we are all going to be fatter and more unhealthy soon. Health brings balance. Find something that feels creative. Creativity is one of the most life sustaining behaviors man experiences. We have been drawing since we lived in caves.

Start learning about businesses or industries that would most align with your talents and desires. What does it take to get initiated? Find some friends who can share all your thoughts and support each other. Find daily activities that make life worthwhile. Its alright to spoil yourself a little.

Be optimistic. We have a choice. We can think it’s the end of the world as the dinosaurs may have believed or we can feel like the maybe only 2,000 humans that survived and look for a way to begin anew.

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Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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