Nature is Out to Get Us

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By Mark Kaplan / April 17, 2020

I have always lived an athletic life and pursued healthy habits most of the time. There were very few years when I didn’t exercise every day and try to eat healthy. This healthy bent kept me optimistic because I was stimulating positive brain chemicals for my intentions and progress.

I have written for years on health, fitness, spirituality, and building skills for the economy. I am a Surf Coach, a Certified Health Instructor and Persona Trainer. Yet, for a first time I have looked at our environment and thought this is not a habitable place.


Living Healthy Helps Beat the Odds

My routine in semi-retirement is to ride a bike, surf, swim, and go to the gym on different days 7 days a week. I eat nutritiously to fuel my exercise. I understand how to eat before exercise for fuel and afterward for muscle recovery. I understand rest, relaxation and sleep are important to live a quality lifestyle.

As we age, there is very little that can be done to deter Nature’s plan for the demise of our joints, organs, and various glands. In Younger Next Year, Crowley and Lodge explain how to live vital to 85 years old, but it’s still a tricky path. They claim and hour exercise every day is basic, but that gets more difficult as time passes. So far, I am doing well.

Our bodies seem to turn on themselves in so many ways. We get the cancers that seem to be inevitable, the various infections the body dreams up for our amusement. We now find ourselves vulnerable to the unlimited amount of pandemics available.

We Have Turned the Environment Against Ourselves.

We have raped the rain forests, polluted the oceans, polluted the skies, created too much green house gas which in turn is killing all the coral reefs. We are burning down and polluting the sources of oxygen on which we depend. One result in destroying earths nitrogen absorbing plant forms is we are turning up the heat. The heat is melting the ice. The ice is desalinizing the ocean and killing sea creatures.

We have over-populated the earth. The demand for food has created the generation of agriculture and meat cultivation that is non-sustainable, destroying the nutrition and healthiness of products, and further polluting the earth. We are creating loops of self-destruction. It may be a race to see how much time we spend suffering from our own mal-practices. The world’s continuous receeding into non cooperative circles of self-protection, started by our own administration, is not helping.

Can You Make it Work?

Health needs to be a primary concern from birth to death. The vulnerabilities created by underlying health problems will make larger segments vulnerable on a continuous basis. Obesity is a major enemy. It begins most health conditions that create vulnerability. Sedentary lifestyles are just as unhealthy. They equally invite the same diseases upon which our natural environment and newly developed pathogens are feeding.

Maintaining morale and feelings of purpose in times when meaning has more difficulty is important. Our spirit is the driver of our life force. We can find our personal potential in self-actualization that can create happiness on a daily basis. Our happiness is dependent on growth behaviors. Learning, creativity, contributing health and fitness are all primary happiness behaviors that can make life worthwhile in the face of a challenging environment.

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts Paper Back $6.95 Kindle $2.99 Buy on Amazon

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