How You Get Ready for the Future

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By Mark Kaplan / June 12, 2020

The media is replete with articles about what is coming or what is likely to come. I thought the pending bankruptcy of Men’s Warehouse is a sign of the times and an indication men won’t be dressing up to impress people in the near future.

More businesses are resigned to include more remote work in their future which will include less office space and perhaps people leaving the cities. The denser the city in which you live, the more the restrictions affect you. If you live in the city as opposed to living at the beach or in the mountains, there are fewer things you can do with your free time.

the future

What Will the New You Be Like?

Does what we think about form who we are? We are worried about infection, the economy, civil liberties, politics, our survival and our work life balance. We could become worry machines. We worried before about getting enough free time and now we have to worry about all things we didn’t have to worry about when we were securely employed.

We can decide now what we want to become. We can decide if we will set aside the worry time for more constructive activities. What are the priorities that would make us feel purposeful, give our lives meaning, and make our days productive?

Health, relationships, and productivity could be the three cornerstones of our future work and personal lives. We have to become more self-centered in that we have to be more accountable to how we live.

We can’t rely on the doctors now just to treat everything we contract. We have to be proactive to prevent vulnerabilities to not only the Virus but to the conditions of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and cancers. Medicine is not preventative and by the time we are vulnerable it may be too late.

Relationships are going to be the foundation for how rewarding our lives feel. We have personal relationships, work relationships, and community relationships. Everything is becoming more consolidated in that our personal lives are focusing on our community and political beliefs. BLM has shown that there are basic human values society has to give more weight.

Your productivity will be changing as your industry and the economy adjust to new realities. Making a profit has taken second place often to just surviving. What type of personnel is needed now to support organizations? We need to be more self-sacrificing, have a broader range of skills, and be more adaptable. Are we mentally and emotionally capable of assuming new roles?

How to Leave Some Stress Behind

Our brain defaults to stress when it is not building positive behaviors. This is a truth you cannot escape. If you are building who you are by learning, working creatively, contributing to improve the lives of others, or building your health, your brain produces happiness chemicals to support you.

If you are spending your time worrying about the future, your brain stimulates stress hormones to prepare you for flight. Stress deteriorates our physical and mental health. This makes our lives feel less purposeful.

We need to build who we are for the future and find passions that make us understand why we are here. There is a need for leadership in the new economy and fresh ideas and willing spirits. Find something you can do to help everyone move forward or to support others in their struggles.

Positive behaviors can form the new you and help you become something better than you ever imagined.

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Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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