How Do We Improve Ourselves and Our Communities at the Same Time?

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By Mark Kaplan / June 15, 2020

Man was built for this situation. Maybe a million years of evolution has led us to this moment. We now need to be more self-sufficient in every way and need to contribute to building a community that is emotionally healthy.

Early man was guided by his hormones to hunt for food, create family, and build community. We have come full circle. The reason we are guided to these behaviors is the brain stimulates happiness brain chemicals when we comply.

improve ourselves

What is Nature’s Plan

Nature wants all species to adapt to the environment and create stronger genes of adaptation for the next generation. She has been at this plan for 3 billion years. Man is certainly at the top of the food chain, but has the same requirements sewn into his DNA.

What skills and behaviors do you need to grow and stimulate Nature’s happiness brain chemicals? Learning is at the top of the list. When you learn skills for fun or pleasure, you are stimulating happiness. Gamers are induced to test their skills and the challenge is addicting.

Being creative is a behavior that has people passionate about living. The stories of starving artists and entertainers working as food servers is about the commitment to achieve recognition for their talents. The purpose of fame is more often to find remuneration so they can continue engaging in their passion without a side hustle.

Contributing to the community by raising a family, having friends, working to improve the lives of others goes back to our beginnings. We get big doses of oxytocin for these behaviors. Successful people often turn to philanthropy because they are generous and it makes them feel purposeful.

A final stimulant the brain encourages is endorphins for vigorous exercise. Exercise in the past was necessary for survival and it still is. The body is build on exercise to rid inflammation and support cardiovascular health. Runner’s high can be experienced in any vigorous routine.

What Can You Do Today?

Start habits of learning, creating, contributing, and exercising. These habits will change who you are. You will feel more optimistic because you will be improving your survival opportunities. You will feel more gratitude as you contribute your skills and time to others and reap the rewards. You will feel healthier as exercise starts to change other habits.

You will become a role model for others as they see your attitude become more positive and collaborative. When we feel gratitude for our own wellbeing, it is natural for man to want others to feel the same. We need a planet of people working on themselves and improving the lives of others. Maybe some of these people will become politicians.

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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