Creativity for Happiness and Career Growth

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By Mark Kaplan / June 2, 2020

Creativity may be our most important human skill. To that I would probably include the ability to learn and empathy, but all mammals can do that. Consider that the brain automatically takes care of all our living functions. Our body is on automatic functioning and only our brain gives us a few options of how to spend our day.

The brain induces us to follow certain behaviors to enjoy the peak of living pleasure by stimulating happiness brain chemicals for learning, creating, contributing and exercise. Why would the brain manipulate us increase our survival opportunities? Maybe we have less free will than we thought.


The Power of Creativity

Our ability to learn and solve problems is what has taken the human race to superiority from the days we were merely cave dwellers. What we imagine we can achieve. This is why we set goals. What we see as a problem, we can fix. When we want to express ourselves there are all kinds of arts we can learn. We can be creative in art, science, medicine, mechanics, and business.

Why do people become so passionate about creating? Creativity stimulates certain happiness brain chemicals that make us happy, feel purposeful, and may identify the reason we are here. I have always loved writing and just engaging makes me feel purposeful. What about people who begin writing songs and creating music when they are 12? They never stop.

Creativity and passion usually go hand in hand. What is so attractive about passion? Now we are at the heart of what stimulates us to learn and create. The third element that completes this pyramid is the desire to share with others. When we think our self-expression will improve other lives, we get a major dose of oxytocin, a powerful drug of euphoria.

Why are so many movies about people who have a mission to save the world? It is the combination of learning how to solve a problem that will have the most important outcome imaginable. How passionate are pharmaceuticals right now about creating a Corona Virus vaccine? It will make them money but save thousands of people from dying.

What Can You Do to Be More Creative?

Creativity is a selfish mistress. It needs focus and it needs preparation time. Flow is described by Steven Kotler in The Rise of Superman as being our most creative state. In the midst of death-defying performances, extreme athletes often have to invent life saving moves on the fly.

Creativity should occupy our highest energy daily focus. Most creative people are best after waking from a restful sleep. I find that stress factors in my life have to be reduced. Stress is the enemy of creativity. I live within my means, foster good relationships. and don’t procrastinate. Each of these areas can dominate our minds in a negative fashion.

What activity would make your life feel most purposeful? At this point, I only pursue activities for which I have passion. I write, I teach surf lessons, I exercise, I cook, and I listen to music. Each stimulates happiness brain chemicals and therefore in each I could perform at my peak. Passion and peak performance make us more creative. See if you can stoke some passion and creativity in your life.

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Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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