Corona Virus Gives Work Life Balance New Goals

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  • Corona Virus Gives Work Life Balance New Goals

By Mark Kaplan / June 21, 2020

If someone described in January 2020 what life would be like in June, no one would have believed them. Its not just our work world that has changed, but the totality of how we live and what we expect. Our expectations have changed from wondering where to travel to exploring how we adjust to so much isolation.

Two things run against man’s nature. We love to be social and we love freedom. Both are being restricted as we adapt to surviving and isolation. Now what? Most of us have four trains of thought. We need to produce income. We have a need to socialize. We need to guard our health. We are wondering how to optimize our lives.

work life balance

How Work Life Balance Has Changed Our Goals to Optimizing Our Opportunities

We are definitely concerned with making everything better. We need to keep our jobs or find the best jobs to keep the cash flowing. We need to look at the changes occurring to see if we are best optimizing our skills. We’re wondering what are the best opportunities to restore our previous life with some available social adventures. Do we go visit? Do we wear masks?

How do we build our immunity to the mutating virus and other virus’s like to come in the winter? How do we minimize the risks vulnerabilities might create making us more susceptible to the Virus? How do we now make our lives seem purposeful?

Steps to Take for Better Opportunities

It seems jobs paying more than $80,000 a year are less vulnerable than low paying jobs. The more advanced our skills, the more in demand we are. The virus and resulting reduced demand for business is reducing the number of people working. What are employers looking for most? Which industries are now growing? How do we improve our skills to remain employed or seek opportunities in growing industries?

Visiting people is difficult and the growing number of infections tell us the asymptomatic carriers are everywhere. We never know when we will be exposed or asymptomatic. This creates tough social decisions. My daughters are within driving distance, but the risks have us zooming rather than meeting face to face. I find friends from the past are reaching out just for human contact. These are tough decisions we have to make.

Our health has never been more central to our life. We health fanatics don’t’ have to change. As a Certified Health Coach, I have always found people do not change their habits easily. We should now be inspired to lose excess weight and exercise. These are the two best behaviors to reduce our vulnerabilities. If not now, when?

Finally, do we have a life that seems purposeful? Are we just treading water or making positive steps to grow and improve? We need happiness brain chemicals to make our life seem purposeful. We get them by improving who we are through challenging our capabilities, exercising our talents, or giving of our talents, time, or caring to others. Learning, creativity, and contribution should be on our minds if we want to live purposeful lives.

Work life balance could be changing to Life Creation as we include many necessary behaviors into the current reality. Think about income, socializing, health, and purpose.

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Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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