Chaos May Be the New Normal

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  • Chaos May Be the New Normal

By Mark Kaplan / June 6, 2020

Notice how many dire issues are rising to the surface demanding to be heard. We could certainly count right now the virus, discrimination, politics, health care, unemployment, and the economy as voices screaming for attention.

The fact that people have to take to the streets in mobs and looting to get public attention shows how difficult in the digital age it is to get an audience for important issues. If discrimination has become systemic and ignored for 200 years, why wouldn’t those in charge correct the situation?


The Subtleties of Each Situation

There can be so much noise we become tuned out. Everyone currently realizes the political administration cannot be counted on for leadership or consolidating consensus on a plan of action to solve many of the current problems.

Congressman have the ability to create legislation to address issues such as safety during pandemics or relief for unemployment and even regulating behavior in police departments. The Supreme Court is getting more voice as the consensus around the President is so contentious that everyone is running to mommy to solve arguments that are disrupting progress.

Amongst the economic disruption of the Corona Virus how do people of color get attention to address the worthwhile argument that they should be treated equally. Amongst the attention of restarting business and not expanding the infection rate of the virus how do all the people struggling for income get attention.

Who is going to pay attention to the needs for national infrastructure, health care, education, the homeless, and disappearing charitable organizations? Everyone one of these spheres is in crisis mode. There are probably 100 more necessary causes that need attention to sustain the vitality of our society.

What is Your Situation?

What are you worried about most? Your worries probably fall into one or more of the above categories. When long silent generals come out of the woodwork concerned about leadership destroying the constitution it is one more voice we include in our stream of consciousness. While we are concerned about our personal situation we also look at the big picture of health care and wonder if we got sick or injured whether we would want to go to a hospital or if they would take care of us.

We wonder about how our kids are going to get educated and how are graduates going to find employment. Will medical professionals survive and will hospitals? How many industries will collapse as the new normal creates different demands? What are the skills that will be needed in the transition to the new reality, whatever that may be?

It Is Time to Take Care of Ourselves

There is no doubt that the current pandemic should be a voice as loud as any that people must guard their health with optimum nutritional habits. It is no longer viable to live without exercise to optimize our immunity systems. We need to get children back into exercise programs and away from screens. Everyone must get away from screens.

I am a very active surf instructor and it concerns me when a 13 year old cannot learn to surf because she is over weight and can’t touch her toes without bending her knees nor have the flexibility to do simple movements. I am concerned when I see so many big bellies that make people vulnerable to the underlying issues that attract deadly viruses.

Mental health will be an increasing problem as stress of so much chaos wears on people of all ages from youth to seniors. Mental health will create more substance abuse, more relationship abuse and more violence in the streets.

It is time to focus on the behaviors that foster happiness brain chemicals. The behaviors of learning, creating, contributing, health and exercise build our immunity to disease and stress. Including in our daily habits the activities that create better survival opportunities stimulates our brain and results in the creation of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins.

Our value to ourselves, our families, and society necessitate we take care of ourselves and grow. We have to improve who we are to build health and contribution in the face of crumbling normalcy we have experienced for so long. In the face of all of it, we can become stronger and a model and symbol that all is not lost but perhaps just a fresh new beginning.

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