Becoming Healthy is Healing All Levels of Our Being

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  • Becoming Healthy is Healing All Levels of Our Being

By Mark Kaplan / April 29, 2020

World renown healers like Barbara Brenan point out that the manifestations in the physical body are the result of what is happening in deeper levels of our energy body. If you are not familiar with the energy bodys, they start with our core start and then the halic level of intentions and then the auric body of the seven chakras and finally our physical body.

If you are not familiar with them, then it is a lot to take in and perhaps believe. Healers are real and often work along side medical doctors to alleviate pain from chemotherapy and radiation as well as other physical pains and diseases.


What Are the Take Aways?

I think a concept that is acceptable is that if we have conflict on any level or in any areas of our life, they can affect the our behaviors and health in other areas. When we excuse criminals or even abusers of their offenses we say they had a difficult child hood or they suffer from not having love.

This is an extreme result, but each of us suffers from traumas in our lives that we have interpreted as not getting what we want and those traumas now interfere with our total body health. A healer in many sessions would go into each of our important areas of need to see if we are defeating ourselves.

What Are Our Needs

Let’s start at the Core Star. At the center of our being we have an energy that never changes even though the Universe and our bodies are changing every second of every day. Everything is connected and interacts. The Core Star is the love and goodness that is at the center of everyone of us and would love to be expressed in our lives and our daily activities. It wants us to help ourselves and everyone else.

The next level up is the Halic energy of our intentions. Are we able to do what we want to do in life? Are we living our dream? If we are doing things we hate or living in situations we hate, you might see how that could manifest eventually into body pain, problem organs or glands, and disease.

The next level toward the surface is the auric energies. They are the seven chakras that have to do with experiencing our pleasures, having positive emotions, feeling with our heart, speaking our truth and having mental clarity and purpose, and connecting with the divine. You might see that difficulties in any of these areas might interfere with enjoying our life experience.

Finally we have the physical body. We must take care of it and eat the most nutritious foods and exercise it properly. The electromagnetic pulses of the earth are at 7.8 htz to 8 htz which is our alpha state of brain waves. Healers when working with patients can tune into this state and lay hands on patients to bring both parties to the resonance at which the earth pulses.

This is one reason meditation is healing because our brain is resonating at 8 hertz. Yoga can get us into the same resonance. We are most creative and calm at this pulse and marijuana takes us to the alpha state. Extreme athletes who drop into flow and allow their bodies to synchronize without thinking are in the state of flow at 8 htz.

This is why it is important to eat organic foods and drink water so that the vibrations of what we put in our body are at the same level as the earth’s pulsations. I know this is a lot to grasp and especially if it is the first time you have heard it. I have put it in very laymen terms.

What Can You Do?

You might now get a glimpse of how complicated and yet how simple your total body health is to manifest. Everything has to be cleared so that you are on a positive level in each of your connections.

You must take care of your body. You must love who you are and not dwell on all those mistakes and incidents for which you might hate yourself or reject yourself or that make you think you are not a good person. You must have mental clarity so you can work through your daily situations. You must have loving relationships with your family, friends, co-workers and communities. You must live to fulfill your purpose and deliver the most value that is unique to you to the rest of the world.

See that was easy.

If you want to learn more, read Barbara Brenan’s book Light Emerging,The Journey of Personal Healing

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