Growth is Happiness and Balance

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By Mark Kaplan / May 31, 2020

Prior to the shut-downs, the Well Being industry and the corporations they served were devoted to helping working personnel find health and happiness in their lives. Most workers seemed to focus on pay, having an interesting job with enough independence, and sufficient self-time.

Health, work satisfaction, and financial security are still concerns. Our brain is able to measure many areas of our life and evaluate how we are living up to our expectations. The brain wants to feel we are making progress in each of these areas.


How Do We Live Up to Our Expectations?

It would seem this is a difficult time to make progress under the economic circumstances. Some industries are flourishing, some just reopening, and some will suffer greatly.

Where are we in the large scheme of things? At this time our lives are in transition with the rest of the global economy even if we think we are securely employed. A domino falling in one location or in one aspect of our lives can cause many of them to tumble.

We have to bring it down to our daily existence. What are we doing personally that defines who we are and where we are going? We can take stock at the end of every day to see how much progress we made during the day.

What should we judge? Did we work on improving our health with nutrition and exercise? Immunity to disease should be a top priority. Did we work to make a bigger contribution to our employer, customers, and stakeholders? We are all in this together. Are we developing our skills for our current job security or for fitting into future organizations?

Are we keeping up our social contacts which are so important for our psychological wellbeing? This is a good opportunity to spend time with those closest in proximity. Are we taking some “me” time? It is not a luxury, it is a necessity. We often judge the success of our lives on the time we have to enjoy a passion.

Turning a Blind Eye to the External World

We have to get past the surreal feeling of our current situation. No one could predict this dilemma. We have to move to the acceptance stage of Kubla Ross’s formula for adjusting to loss. We accept that it is happening and we focus on how we going to grow in this period.

I read the news every day, but it is having less of an emotional impact even though some dire situations seem to be worsening. I have to consider how I am treating myself. How am I treating and helping or nurturing those close to me? What am I doing to prepare myself for more years of strife as our concerns for staying safe, staying healthy, and generating income will be our companions.

I have to have a daily satisfaction plan. The brain stimulates happiness brain chemicals from behaviors that support our survival opportunities. Stimulating dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins from learning, creating, supporting, and exercising keeps the stress hormones at bay.

I can have good days among the abundance of bad news that awaits us each morning. I have daily plans. My goal is to say at the end of each day, this was a good day.

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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