4 Survival Considerations for the New Normalcy

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By Mark Kaplan / May 24, 2020

We seem to be living day to day. We can only speculate on what will happen in the near future. Our lives hang in the balance as businesses open and we wait for a virus second wave.

We have to weigh what happens if things continue to open and we have to weigh what happens if everything is shut down a second time. We think the cost would be too great to shut things down, but in other countries businesses are being shut down after an infection resurgence.


What Can You Plan?

There are certainly four things we can influence. We can influence our health. We can plan our finances. We can assess how we can make a bigger contribution if we are still employed. We can assess the talents we could bring to a new business if we need employment or suddenly find ourselves unemployed.

The best defense against contracting the virus is staying optimally healthy. It doesn’t affect those without underlying conditions to the same extent as others. One of the most troubling conditions is obesity. Obesity leads to the conditions that make humans vulnerable. During the crisis, people are putting on weight.

Everyone has already assessed their financial condition. Finding ways to conserve cash reserves is the main target. Spending is altered, big expenses are targets for alteration, and maybe painful changes are contemplated. Having plans for various scenarios creates more comfort and perhaps eases worries.

We might now be contemplating our value in the changing economic picture. The world has turned on its axis and businesses are finding new approaches to survive and hopefully thrive. They may need a different mixture of talents and personnel.

What Do Businesses Want?

Businesses are looking for skills, adaptability, and flexibility. They are also looking for more self-sacrifice as opposed to our previous efforts to make business cater to our personal desires. As an author on work life balance, I know that trying to make businesses responsible for our balance is now archaic.

Employment assessments often ask if you are the type of person that goes beyond what is asked or just one that fulfills the required duties. This might shake us out of our reverie of thinking we can go to work 9 to 5, do as we are told and collect a pay check as long as we don’t bother anyone.

Think about how business now needs people willing to take charge and see opportunities to make things better. They want self-starters and people who self-monitor. They want 2+2 to equal 5. They want people who will give everything they have to improve a businesses chances to survive.

This may require a change in our attitudes. It may require we seek opportunities in the areas we feel is our purpose and can summon some passion to contribute. If business needs anything from us now, it is a passion to help the re-openings be successful.

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