Keep Your Goals Alive

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By Mark Kaplan / May 3, 2020

If you are not working, it is easy to fall into a malaise reading the news and thinking we are a long time from living our normal lives. It is important to keep growing and keep up your hope. Both growth and hope create positive chemical reactions in your body that will maintain mental and physical health.

It is important to keep your organism functioning properly. The brain has two main modes. It produces happiness chemicals for acts of growth or defaults to stress hormones when there is worry or fear. Stress is the deterioration of your life force if it is prolonged.


The Positive Steps

Whether working remotely or wondering if you will ever work again, it is important to stay physically active. We are told we may go several rounds with this virus and it definitely picks on people in poor health. Only a small percentage of people are in critical care and a small percentage of people are hospitalized, but they are usually those who have not been paying attention to diet and exercise.

Mental growth reduces chances for depression. Depression is a state of no hope. The brain will produce dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins when you are trying to improve your opportunities for survival. Opportunities for survival can include learning, creativity, contribution, and exercise.

Forgetting the News

It is hard to forget the news, but the die is cast. Only God perhaps knows how this turns out, but every government agency, scientist, and doctor is working to get us through it not to mention the great spirit of business leaders who are trying to keep their organizations alive.

We have do our part to maintain capabilities and positive attitudes. Most experts predict that in the future we will need to learn to adapt, be flexible, be cooperative, and willing to learn new skills.

Whether you are on the front lines, remotely employed or seeking work, we need to be open to alternatives given all the possibilities. Some businesses will fail and some will prosper as conditions change, but there will always be a need for help.

What Are Your Skills?

One skill everyone will need whether a student who can’t get their proper education, someone employed in a struggling business, or someone that needs new employment is how to learn.

This is a good time to be actively reading. It is a good time to dig into some challenging material even if it is not related to your career. The brain can be energized to learn and remember with challenging practice. People who can step into new situations for which no one has been trained maybe in high demand.

Creativity is needed most. Every business is rethinking their operational model. Are you a problem solver? Can you look at situations and find ways to be more efficient, maintain customer satisfaction, and perhaps deliver results using new resources?

This is a time to get energized and build skills. There will always be opportunities for people who are at the top of their game and can deliver energy to new situations.

Create New Goals

Everyone is adjusting. It is a good time to decide what we know that might have value in the future and what we might have to learn to be more helpful and make a contribution.

Begin with positive daily habits. Exercise. Eat nutritiously. Learn. Find a way to be creative. Consider how you can make a contribution to those who also want to learn more or improve their lives.

These are the first days of a new future and you could play a big part.

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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