Happiness Occurs with Adding Small Behaviors

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  • Happiness Occurs with Adding Small Behaviors

By Mark Kaplan / April 24, 2020

A best word for happiness is growth. We have been deceived and led by the media to think that happiness is possessions, power, and fame. These are perks but not sustainable. The one behavior that is sustainable is growth.

Growth is obtainable under lock down conditions. Whether working remotely or not employed, small behaviors can make a difference in how our brain sees our circumstances. The brain is locked and loaded to deliver dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins at the slightest change in our intentions, actions, or feelings about the results.


What is Happiness       

Happiness is Nature’s process of making species stronger and more adaptable. Most species operate on instincts so little inducement is necessary, but man has too much free will.

Man is capable of behaviors that help him grow and capable of negative behaviors that lead to physical and psychological deterioration. Man is either experiencing happiness because of his behaviors or stress because he is not engaged in growth behaviors. This is how Nature tries to manipulate us.

Behaviors that stimulate dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins are all growth behaviors (unless you are using drugs) and promote survival opportunities Nature sees as necessary to improve our genes.

What Are the Right Behaviors?

Interestingly, it doesn’t take much to get started. An intention of learning something important to our survival (career), working on something requiring creativity that might help ourselves or others, spending time with the intention of helping our circles, co-workers, organization, or community, and building our health and bodies all qualify.

Growth is the key factor. Once we get started, we have to keep charging into the challenge. It is the challenge to our skills or endeavors regardless of our level of competence that stimulates the happiness. Our intentions to become better or help others is the real fuel to the happiness fire.

What Are Some Good Beginning Activities?

Learning and creativity are excellent. Learning always offers the opportunity for challenge. Learning requires effort. Learning requires focus time. Learning may have a very high risk reward ratio. Learning has no celling. Learning can be shared and used to help others. Learning can stimulate dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

Creativity is in the same ballpark as learning. Working on something that expresses us that could improve who we are or could improve how others live, check all the happiness boxes. It is no mystery to scientists why creative people are passionate. They are engaged in behaviors that stimulate happiness brain chemicals.

Contributing might be the result of learning and creativity. If we share what we know or if our intention is to help others improve their lives, we are going to stimulate oxytocin. Is it no wonder after lives of achievement, successful people turn to giving back.

Physical activity and health are stimulants. The brain recognizes that improving our nutrition and physical fitness help our organism meet challenges. Fitness becomes a passion because it makes participants feel so good. Fitness can start with daily ten-minute walks.

The key to opening all the door to stimulate happiness brain chemicals is to get started with the smallest behaviors of improvement and keep adding intensity or depth. If you worked on each of the behaviors each day, imagine how amazing you could feel and how much you would grow.

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Get the E-Course “Happiness is Balance”. Ten easy to read chapters on scientifically proven behaviors that create happiness. Lock Down Price of $2.99 on Amazon

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts Paper Back $6.95 Kindle $2.99 Buy on Amazon

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