Is Happiness a Quest

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By Mark Kaplan / April 14, 2020

In his book the Happiness of Pursuit, Chris Gullibeau, who traveled to every country in the world, about 195, has collected stories about people who go on quests. One of his criteria for a quest is that it be something definite, have an ending point, and have a good reason why.

Most of the people in his book made big commitments leaving their normal lives behind. People went on long walks, biked across continents, and vowed to see thousands of species of birds. These challenging quests became passions, and commitments that gave people’s lives meaning and purpose.


How is Happiness a Quest

The science of happiness is more grounded than we think. Since we were young, we though it was some glorious arrival at fame or fortune. We punctuate our lives with purchases that make us feel we have arrived.

We are guessing at happiness like throwing punches in the dark. Happiness is the brain’s way of rewarding us for behaviors that enhance our survival. When we have intentions of improving who we are through learning, creating, contributing, better health or fitness, our brain jumps on board and starts stimulating what we realize are good feelings.

If your goal was to stimulate the happiness brain chemicals of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin every day, you would adopt certain behaviors that would challenge you and help you grow. You would be a better human and likely more successful for it.

The behaviors would become addictive and you would want them in your life every day. People living for their passions are addicted to their pursuits. Their passions are most likely making them better people, helping others, and making the world a better place.

How to Start

Learning is a key to improving who you are and having more value to contribute. Bill Gates started his career writing code for computers one line at a time and pushing it into the giant boxes at Michigan State. The beginning stages don’t show the promise. The commitment to learn more opens the possibilities. We often don’t become passionate until we have gained some competence in something challenging.

Creativity is a great opening to passionate pursuits. People who like to write begin with struggling to express themselves. As competence grows, so does the passion to keep writing. The same can be said for most famous song writers, teachers, surgeons, and athletes. The passion grows with the commitment to become better and maybe the best.

Happiness is Success

When a passionate person is able to engage in their love, they feel successful. There is very little in the way of resistance that can deter them. They have formed resilience to difficulties and their goals power them through the bumps.

It is not as important where on the scale a passionate person winds up for them to feel successful. For them, most likely, the game will be played for as long as they are enjoying themselves and this person has their definition of happiness.

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts Paper Back $6.95 Kindle $2.99 Buy on Amazon

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