How Much Happiness is Enough?

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By Mark Kaplan / March 11, 2020

What is Happiness in Your Mind?

This might be a good question to ask yourself. Often we go through our day and look for happiness perks along the way. In our lives we have some big ideals of what will makes us happy like professional success, a home, or a family. We have some smaller ideas about happiness like a car, clothes, a vacation, or chocolate cake.

There is the scientific concept of happiness based on our hormones and neurotransmitters. In our days we might get a buzz from learning, feel purposeful while in a creative mood, feel generous while contributing our knowledge, caring, or protection. We will get boosts from health and hard exercise. These are the positive behaviors to enjoy happiness every day.


How Much Happiness Do You Expect?

Strangely, not everyone is looking for ecstasy. And, people’s idea of enough varies widely. When a study was taken asking people if they had all the money they needed, what would they buy. Most would only spend about 10% more than what they could already afford.

It is easier to picture happiness as an accomplishment or event. I would be happy when I am finally a music/acting/writing star. I will be happy when I get married and have kids. I will be happy when I am president of my company or have $1 million in the bank. These are the kind of goals we strive for in the future.

How Much Happiness Can You Have Every Day?

You can have a lot of the scientific happiness of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Think that’s not much? When you are fully engaged in gaming, a spectator event, on a project, or creating, you are getting a big dose of dopamine. Feels pretty good and is extremely addicting. Do you like being in a great mood? Serotonin. Do you feel rewarded by making a contribution to your family, friends, work, community, on the internet, or the planet? Oxytocin all the way. Are you a runner? Running is addicting because of endorphins and anandamides. I know, I was one.

I try to get each of these happiness chemicals each day. My day is designed with creativity, learning, exercise, and relaxation. It isn’t the lottery winning happy, but it is a happiness lifestyle. The results of these behaviors is predictable, practical, rewarding, growing, addicting, pleasurable, and purposeful. It is hard not to be a little happy every day with this schedule. It gives you a feeling of control, independence, autonomy, and purpose.

How to Get Started?

Keystone habits are the best first step. Find one thing or another thing that makes you feel better about your health, work prospects, relationships, or contribution. If you are passionate about this habit and enjoy some personal growth, you will soon be adopting more habits that complement it. This usually results in a progression of new keystone habits.

Stress and happiness rarely exist in the same space. If you are stressed look for positive relief activities like exercise, solitude, or relaxation. Reduce habits that cause stress like living above your means, procrastinating, shopping, gambling, anger, and harmful relationships.

Read my book The Good Life Plan to get a 60 page expose on building the right habits. Good for a one sit down read.

Read Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning Ph.D

Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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See Excerpts for my Book “The Good Life Plan”

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