Creativity is the Peak Learning Process

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By Mark Kaplan / March 14, 2020

We often label ourselves as creative or not creative types. We don’t realize that creativity is learned just like learning a foreign language or playing tennis. The reason there are brilliant adult creative types is they started when they were young.

When we are infants and adolescents we are very right brained. Our life is about imagination and we play lots of games, have no fear of dancing and making fools of ourselves and we are just as happy to finger paint on walls as on paper.


The Education Process Develops the Left Brain

When we start school, we have to start memorizing. We are given mostly left brain activities and imagination begins to lose our attention. We get out of practice from engaging in creative activities as everything in our lives becomes more structured.

Just as math requires practice time each day and learning languages requires regular practice, creativity is a discipline that requires focus. The focus for creativity can be more intense that for left brain studies as most teenagers are doing homework with music playing.

The Practice of Creativity

Creativity needs time on our schedule when we have a fresh nervous system, are rested, and relaxed. Creativity does not work well when we are stressed. Creativity types try to manage their lives to reduce stress or find time each day to relax. Several practices can relieve stress like exercise, meditation, yoga, solitude, naps, walks, and listening to music.

If creativity is going to be a daily practice creative types find the practicality of relieving stress by living within their means, eliminating procrastination, and maintaining their relationships, Creativity becomes a lifestyle. Creativity can be the most important driver for our success as we solve problems, innovate, or develop new ideas or art.

What is Creativity?

Creativity is self-expression. It is a full brain exercise. It doesn’t have to be painting or have a narrow definition. Extreme athletes are extremely creative as they challenge Mother Nature in death defying feats. Mathematicians and scientists are extremely creative or they will never solve problems that have not already been solved. Inventors, computer scientists, product and service developers, professionals, and even mechanics can find the necessity of utilizing their full brain.

Flow is the optimum creative state. In flow, we engage in something in a challenging feat in which we have competence. Steven Kotler says we only have to push our capabilities by 4% to stay in the state of flow. In this state, we have eliminated distractions and our brain waves are usually in the theta or alpha states of 7htz to 12 htz. This is the state we enjoy during meditation.

In flow our brain stimulates happiness brain chemicals of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (if we are engaged in something that will serve others.) If it is a physical activity, we can enjoy endorphin and anandomides (runners high). This state creates addicts, adrenaline junkies, and peak performers. There is such great bliss that people return for the feelings more than for the acts.

Dean Cotter, soloist rock climber (no ropes) says he climbs for the feelings, not to get on top of rocks. Extreme skiers, surfers, and base jumpers are in it for the challenge and the bliss of their experience. So are writers, musicians, and entrepreneurs. Not everything has to be death defying to experience your potential and ultimate creativity.  

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Read Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning Ph.D

Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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