Sanity in a Lock Down World

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By Mark Kaplan / March 26, 2020

I miss my haunts. I have plenty to keep me occupied, but there is nothing like getting out and mixing. Even my favorite French Bakery that was my turn around point on bike rides had to close because of no business.

The problem with the stress of a lock down world is it stimulates cortisol, our worry hormone. We are worried about our health and that of everyone else. We are worried about the economy and what will be left. We could be worried about the resurgence of the virus. Our world will be forever changed.


We Need Happiness Brain Chemicals

How we feel is a function of how our brain sees our survival opportunities. Man has lived through the ice age, a giant meteor hitting the earth that wiped out all the dinosaurs, droughts, and plagues. We are resilient.

We can offset the cortisol with dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. These are the happiness chemicals created from the behaviors that the brain thinks promote our survival

We get these stimulants from learning, creating, contributing, health, and fitness. If you have a lot of time on your hands, this is the perfect opportunity to begin a regimen that makes you stronger and may perpetuate your growth behaviors after the turn around.

Start with Some Keystone Habits

Keystone habits are positive behaviors. Studies have shown that when groups tested were given a positive behavior, they soon began changing lots of habits.

Students taught better learning habits in one study soon started drinking less, spending, less, eating better and a number of other practices. Years ago, I started eating better to get back to my high school weight and not only did I lose weight, but I became more spiritual, more fit, started blogging on health, and soon found I was coaching.

Set Up Daily Priorities

The most important growth behaviors should get our best energy. I always love creating in the morning. Learning needs energy and could be initiated after a break in the day like exercise, meditation, a walk, or a nap. Start something new that is a challenge and give it your best energy.

Try to group the menial and “to-do-lists” into the low energy periods of your day. Try to reduce distractions until you have completed your positive new behaviors. This is an opportune time to follow a morning creative or learning period by some outdoor exercise. When you return, you might be invigorated.

Take On Some Big Projects that Might Give Your Life More Meaning

This is a great time to write a book, start journaling, or taking an online course for a certificate or degree. The aftermath of this event is the world will become more digital and this would be a good time to learn digital skills like communications, writing, or social media.

Think about your profession and how you might make a bigger contribution in the recovery. Your profession will emerge different and people might need new types of guidance to accomplish their goals and maintain their safety concerns.

The more you grow and build your health, the more the brain will want to reward you with dopamine and serotonin. The more you engage to help others with your knowledge or your time, the more oxytocin you will enjoy. Pump up the exercise and you will get flooded with endorphins.

This is the time to take positive steps to become a new you.

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Get the E-Course “Happiness is Balance”. Ten easy to read chapters on scientifically proven behaviors that create happiness. Lock Down Price of $2.99 on Amazon

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Read The Good Life Plan by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

See Post Happiness, Fitness, and Mindfulness

See Post How We Enjoy Intensity without Stress

See Post Life Style and Work Life Balance

See Post Creativity Can Be Career Changing

See Post Increasing the Flow in Your Life

See Post Fitness Nutrition and Weight Management

Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts Paper Back $6.95 Kindle $2.99 Buy on Amazon

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