5 Ways to Slow Burn Out

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By Mark Kaplan / February 26, 2020

Burn out often comes to those performing incredibly in their work. I have experienced it a few times as I was leading my sales organization to record levels and everyone liked me. What happens?


The Fight for Perfection

People often burn out because they are incredibly conscientious and having their work or organization perform perfectly is their goal. There is a lot of resistance in the world to perfection. The chaos and disruption that is integral to Mother Nature is also integrated into the global economy. Look at perfect organizations falling apart because of Coronavirus. Who knew?

Organizations can be masterful at creating products and customer service, but may sacrifice humans in the process. Cultures that laud the human contribution and consider their fulfillment over the loyalty of putting in 100- hour weeks, may be more sustainable.

Health Can’t Be On the Back Burner

Burn out can be a combination of health, emotional, physical, spiritual, and relationship issues. When the Mission is a higher priority than personal growth, the human organism can break down. We were meant to gather food and raise families in communities. Our system deteriorates with continuous stress.

Our body can perform optimally with proper care. We need nutrition, exercise, solitude, and rest. We should break up our days with 3 or 4 time outs. Exercising in the morning or after work relaxes our nervous system and replenishes our energy. Taking walks during the day are refreshing and might lead to epiphanies. Short blocks of solitude can invigorate our creativity.

Autonomy and Independence Give Us Control

Our spirit needs the feeling we are growing our opportunities and contributing. We need the feeling of autonomy and direction over our own lives. Work life balance is often not challenged as much by our hours as it is about feeling our time is spent in a meaningful endeavor. When something material or a demand outside ourselves starts to replace the satisfaction we get for performing our tasks, we start to burn.

We often have to set new goals as we advance. When we have made a Herculean effort to accomplish a goal, we need a new equally as worthwhile goal to take its place. Burnout often occurs because we can’t see the value of the next summit. Sometimes we need a break to regenerate our personal resources.

Work Life Balance is Generally Missing in Burn Out

One of the reasons balance loses is because the “time” issue is such a priority. Either we can’t bail out the sinking ship or the need to arrive before others creates too much pressure. Missions have to build in some elements to handle human frailty. The military trains the toughest of the tough and yet unrelenting pressure has a human limit.

We move faster and more productively when we are balanced. Stress reduces effectiveness. A highly productive day has to have time outs. Multitasking takes away intellect and focus. Working in time blocks on single purpose tasks optimizes peak performance. Peak performances optimize work and life satisfaction.

Happiness Behaviors Reduce the Stress Time

Science has proven certain behaviors Nature would call “survival opportunities” create the hormones and neurotransmitters of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin. Its hard to burn out when these chemicals are being stimulated by our brain.

What behaviors stimulate them? Learning, creativity, contribution, health and fitness are the most effective. Each of these behaviors pacify the brain that we are improving our chances of surviving. The brain loves surviving and thriving. A fatter bank balance is not always the ticket. Steady progress toward worthwhile goals collecting the rewards along the way is the sustainable path.

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Read Creating Your Own Happiness- Lifestyle Self-Coaching Course by Mark Kaplan See Excerpts

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Purchase my Book on Happiness to Create Your New Work Life Balance. In paper back or on Kindle. See Exerpts.

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