Happiness and Career Goals

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By Mark Kaplan / February 23, 2020

There is a strong American work ethic that seems to say we sacrifice everything until we have made it. This is a mentality that we have adopted up to the Millennial generation. They have witnessed the affects and think there is another way.


The Sacrifice of All-In Mentality

The parents of the Boomers worked hard and didn’t factor happiness into their lives as a necessity. They had a strong work ethic that preached we earn happiness after we have achieved security. The Boomers had a mix of their parent’s philosophy and also became big consumers. Happiness seemed to imply buying great products of the modern technology era.

The Millennials are the first to think that work can sacrifice other components of the human experience. They think work satisfaction is important. They think that personal goals of family, health, and free time are necessary to enjoy life.

Happiness Habits and Career Goals

Science has shown we get happiness for improving our growth in both personal and career arenas. Happiness is a concept promulgated by the advertising media as buying things. Science shows happiness is improving our personal capabilities, contributing to the bigger picture, and building our personal health.

The habits of happiness can support our desire for career opportunities, personal growth and health. Some important happiness habits are learning, creativity, contribution, health, and fitness. The brain is hard wired to stimulate dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins for pursuing Natures idea of happiness-survival.

Creating the Time Blocks for Happiness and Career

Happiness habits need focus time. One of the reasons we have so much stress is we multi-task and enjoy less satisfaction. Pleasure and life satisfaction come from doing something important that expresses us and makes a contribution.

We have to break our day into components for handling the crucial growth activities and the busy work of “to-do-lists” and emergencies. Our job descriptions include obligations that are expected for running our businesses or staying employed. Yet, we have to learn that progress is made by engaging in growth activities that require their own time.

Learning and Creativity for Quicker Progress

Two activities that promote quicker progress and happiness are learning and creativity. They both help us grow and make a bigger contribution. To maintain a competitive edge, every business has to have a learning and creativity department. If we personally want to advance, we have to have the same as though we were our own corporation.

We can engage in learning by reading, taking courses, having a mentor or coach, watching our company’s training videos, and practicing our skills. With each level of advancement we can make a better contribution. Creativity is the quickest way to improve our value as we make an impact in our workplace, our own business, or in our lives.

Work Life Balance and Growth

Growth is our key to new opportunities and adventures. As long as we are growing, our potential is endless. This is the optimism, hope, and enjoyment that gives us work life balance. Balance is a feeling. When we grow our abilities, health, and fitness, we are self-actualizing into the person we were meant to be. We are finding our purpose and meaning.

Businesses are including more training in their Well-Being budgets because the $50 billion Well-Being industry is showing the path to happiness and solid cultures is supporting growth in the workplace. Hours are not as important as the activities in those hours.  

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See Post Happiness, Fitness, and Mindfulness

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See Excerpts for my Book “The Good Life Plan”

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