Why Everyone is Having Difficulty with Stress

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By Mark Kaplan / October 18, 2021

We have to look at Why Everyone is Having Difficulty with Stress. It is difficult to imagine the world have previously been more unsettled than it is now. There are very few things you can count on or predict. There are several influences that say everything is going to get worse.

Everything about our lives can seem to be under threat. Global warming is one. Politics has become more divisive and everyone is critical and fearful about who will be the leaders. The pandemic started the supply chain difficulties and it seems like dominoes, new problems keep arising. Our health and life styles are threatened by the prospect of disease. The nation (world) seems divided about how to keep everyone safe via vaccinations.

Some Processes to Relieve Stress

Spiritual types would say we need to meditate. Yet, when people need to meditate most, they are too anxious to sit for a few minutes and let everything go. Yoga would be a good second measure. Running or exercising initiates chemical compounds in our bodies that immediately relieve stress. Its hard to have dopamine and stress at the same time.

Improving our health and fitness relieve stress. The healthier we eat and the more regularly we exercise, the more enabled we are to handle life’s problems. We need to have a balanced nervous system for resilience and feeling great personally overrides other concerns. We even feel gratitude.

Relationships can relieve stress. At this time, bad relationships make everything else more stressful. The relationships with our families, friends, co-workers, and community are sources of strength. We find gratitude in having good relationships.

Finances Are a Key to Stress

Minding our finances helps us feel more secure. We should have a strategy for spending and saving. Living below our means is a good goal for feeling more secure in challenging times. Part of this might be job or career satisfaction. People are quitting in greater numbers because of lifestyle concerns. A lifestyle priority can put us on the right path.

Gratitude is the opposite of stress. When we can get each part of our lives under some control, we start feeling gratified and blessed. Looking for things to be grateful for is a good exercise. We need to see the glass half full rather than half empty.

Contribution makes our life worthwhile. We are looking for life satisfaction and to know why we are here. Passions can lead the way. People with passions know why they are here. I love to pursue health, write, and teach. These are all definitions for who I am. I am taking my passions and driving them through the turmoil trying not to let the chaos influence my Mission.

Focusing on Our Purpose First

Regardless of what is happening, we each have a purpose. In the Universal picture, everything contributes to the whole. The atom contributes to the functioning of Nature and everything on earth. In the Cosmological Landscape, Leonard Suskind tries to explain how life started and the fact the atom only holds stability in earth’s atmosphere. It is like the flow of life has evolved out of the first intelligence that made it happen.

Let’s be part of the big picture and enjoy our good fortune to be here and try to minimize or manage the turmoil required to be here.

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