What Are Life’s Priorities

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By Mark Kaplan / October 3, 2021

Creating a list of What Are Life’s Priorities can be a start to structuring our day. The great way to achieve goals is to decide what the final result we want and then breaking it down to smaller components. We may break it down to a year’s goal, a quarterly goal, a months, goal, a week’s goal and yes, what do we do today.

But we are not necessarily corporations. We are humans. Working on long term priorities and our values should make us feel good each day. What is it I value that I can include in my day that will make me feel it was a worthwhile day. I look at each day from the start and at the finish to see if I met this criteria.

What Makes You Feel Best is the Best Priority

Money is a difficult priority to place first. Money seems like it is outside of us. It is better to have our highest priority be part of us. Love would be great and could guide us everyday. I am not as great with love as others are. I tend to prioritize health, fitness, and well being. This is definitely within me and affects my outward manifestations.

If love, family, friends, and personal relationships are first, there should be daily activities or actions that include each of these areas and at the end of the day, success should be measured. Yes, if love of your wife and children are priorities, how many days, months, years go by without you telling them.

Whereas love is on my mind, health is in my action plan. Everyday includes health regimens. I get good sleep. I begin with green tea, a good breakfast, and supplements. When not teaching, exercise in the morning will be my priority. I will bike ride, walk, or hike. My daily exercise leads to bigger goals of a single big bike ride, long walk, or hike.

Writing is a priority. It expresses me and makes me feel I am contributing. It is the first thing I do each morning even when I am teaching. I post to four websites and am always working on a book. It is who I am and I get to express it everyday. You can’t take that away from me. At the end of each day, I know I have written.

Everything in between is stuff. We all have so much stuff. I always have stuff that needs repair. We have people we have to talk to in order to get things done. We have work to do to help someone accomplish their own mission. We like to stay informed with current events and follow sports. We socialize.

At the end of the day, what are the things that matter. They should be the things that matter every day. They should be the things that make our life meaningful to us. We should not have difficulty inserting them into our schedule regardless of what we have to do.

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