Stress May Be at an All Time High

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By Mark Kaplan / September 10, 2021

Stress May Be at an All Time High without us realizing how it has creeped into our lives. I think of the Many Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We have Covid, Fires, Drought, Hurricanes, Supply Chain Woes, Chip Shortages, Vaccination Wars, Voting Rights Wars, Abortion Controversies, Gun Violence, Inflation, Astronomic Housing Costs, Remote vs In Person Work, Masks On or Off, and Global Battles for Dominance.

Do you think these don’t affect you even on a subconscious level? We don’t think about them all every day, but we read about them all on a continuous basis. In the midst of the crisis facing the world, we are trying to adapt our own lives for the issues that affect us most. Are we vaccinated? Are our friends and those in contact with our children vaccinated? Is our job secure and how is it changing or threatened? What do we do for entertainment? How do we get out of the house? Is our life plan still on track? Is buying a house more elusive than ever in history?

How to Adapt to the Stress We Face

Let’s take a look at the new priorities. We all have gratitude for our health and realize it has to be prioritized for our safety and those around us. Our social circles have closed ranks. We now visit with fewer people and treasure the communications with loved ones and friends we don’t see.

We are realizing how important job satisfaction has become. Many are prioritizing satisfaction over income. This is historic. We consider what our talents can contribute to the world and how we optimize our role. The world needs every one right now and those with positions of influence or contribution often have to work longer.

We can’t save the world, but each of us can help others in our circles. We can be more kind and patient with those in which we have contact. It seems all systems are stressed and we experience every day how many things are not working. We can consider how we make it better for those in our circles.

We have a gratitude list and thank God we have items on it. We have to treasure these items and try to add to the list. The easiest is the items in our control. We can effect our health and fitness. We can build with those we love. We can try in our daily efforts to make life better for others. We can pray in whatever fashion we pray that mankind will rise above all the turmoil he now faces.

See the Home Page for some books to read.

If Fitness is a Goal, see my website Get Fit to Surf

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