Optimizing Lifestyle with Work

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By Mark Kaplan / May 1, 2022

optimizing lifestyle and work

Life is tough and it is made simpler when Work and Lifestyle are Optimized as partners not enemies. Many workers are seeking more free time which often means they need their lifestyle separated from their work life.

Work is congruent with lifestyle when there is passion for the work or when it seems like work is part of our purpose. This means we are fully engaged in work as an expression of who we are. When this happens, we rarely get tired of work and frequently look forward to it. It means we are thinking of our objectives when we are not physically at work because they are an expression of why we are here.

Utilizing Free Time

In these scenarios, free time may be our relaxation break so we will have more energy and creativity in our work sessions. We might pick our free time activities to purposely give us the relaxation or stress relief needed to optimize our work time. Good activities are exercise, learning, reading, and good sleep. We will also value family and friend time.

When work is so stressful or unrewarding, we are thinking it is destroying the lifestyle we want to have, it is most likely time for change. Many workers don’t have an immediate escape because they don’t have the skill set to make a move or the time to learn what is necessary for an improvement.

Employers Might Support Positive Change

This might create the need to seek support from an employer to be trained, have new responsibilities, or get a change of responsibilities. Most employers don’t want workers to burn out and will offer solutions to valuable workers.

It is important to understand what you need in your life to make your work and lifestyle more complementary. Good eating habits, exercise, relaxation periods. productive time blocks, and good sleep all are important in improving productivity and creating an optimistic attitude. They will also optimize your resilience and ability to learn.

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Read the The Good Life Plan How to set your priorities and create a fulfilling life. Available on Amazon in E-Book $2.99 or Paperback $6.95

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