Happiness is Confusing Now

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By Mark Kaplan / March 24, 2021

We almost don’t know which way to turn. We are grateful for all our blessings, and wishful for so many things to be different and hopeful the future will be closer to the norm we knew.

How do we define happiness now when we compare the concept to the simple one we used to have. When I was growing up, happiness was being successful or worth a million dollars. Happiness to the Millennials has been having time off to enjoy the money they are making with 100 hour weeks.


New Definitions and Concessions

Even as we get vaccinated, we realize many refuse, many aren’t able, and in different countries the shots are not available. That puts us in a one shoe in one shoe out conundrum. We think we are safe, but what if those who don’t get shots are now carrying a variant that overcomes our immunity?

What makes us happy now? The fact our families are safe is probably first. The fact we have income is something for which to be thankful. Now what about fulfilling our purpose or finding the big picture in life that we took time to envision in the past?

A Good Time for Healing

If this is an opportunity for one big gain it would be working on ourselves. So many ways we could become better versions of ourselves. We can be empathetic towards others and reach out to those who are troubled.

We can improve our person spiritually, physically, and emotionally. There are many opportunities now to work out at home. We are finding outlets to get into Nature. We have to find non-self-destructive practices to enjoy our time.

I have several outlets to get outside. I ride a bike. I walk at the beach. I run in the sand. I enjoy just sitting in the sun and collecting a few rays. I have increased my reading of worthwhile material. I am looking for more ways to post and express myself.

What Is Happiness?

I don’t recall my parents ever talking about it. They were caught up in the day to day of earning, raising kids, and trying to stay healthy. We might have a bigger perspective now, but accomplishing these feats successfully might make us happy.

We are now quite happy if we can expand our social outlets. We are not getting inside establishments yet, but I see the outsides of food services are packed. We are thinking about testing more waters to work, socialize, and vacation.

We have to find completeness in ourselves now. We start at ground zero and build who we are. Then we expand to more distractions that used to keep us from thinking about who we were. Knowing who we are being able to live with ourselves under these restrictive conditions gives us confidence we can maintain mental health.

Having mental health has never been such a big consideration, but under these new conditions it is a priority. As we measure obligations with opportunities or the chance to have some free time, it is more important that we are grounded.

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