Fitness is Balance

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By Mark Kaplan / September 13, 2021

Fitness is Balance in a world of chaos. We look for anchors. We look for ways to get grounded when so much is changing and there are so many threats. What can we depend on? Who can we depend on? We know we can depend on rapid change, so how do we slow it down?

Happiness and balance begin with ourselves. We have to be centered. We need to understand our priorities and values. If we live for priorities and values, they guide us through chaos. Our priorities and values have to be healthy and productive.

We find our truth. What makes us most happy? I need physical exercise and conditioning to keep me balanced. I need love and companionship from family and friends. I like to have work that is rewarding and nourishing. I like to feel I am continuously making progress at becoming better and making a contribution.

How Does Fitness Start the Ball Rolling

One of the first things you consider each morning when you wake up is how you feel. You do a quick assessment. Are you sleepy, tired, clear headed, energetic, looking forward to the day, have things you want to accomplish, or have any black clouds hanging over you?

Being fit can start a lot of good feelings. I probably had a good night sleep. I feel clear headed. My body is without aches and pains. I am ready for my morning routine. I am ready to exercise. I look forward to somethings I have on my daily list.

A high priority is my health which includes fitness. It is one of my Gods. It connects me to my body, Nature, my purpose, and a reason for being here. How do I get so much psychological support from fitness?

Many years ago, I set out on a quest to lose 50 pounds and get back to my high school weight. I was not in a hurry. I changed my eating habits early so they would stick. As an exerciser, I got more intense as I lost more weight. I couldn’t believe how good I could feel from eating healthy and getting intense exercise. It was a clear path to feeling great.

This flipped a switch for me. I wanted everyone to feel great and be connected to Nature. When you realize eating earth’s food and exercising like early man every day, the gratitude is enormous. I wanted everyone to feel good and I have been on a mission to make that happen through writing every day.

I also decided I needed to feel that in my work every day. I have been teaching surf lessons because it does place me in Nature, but I have so many customers who learn to feel comfortable in the ocean and manage their bodies in a challenge.

We might see that we are a piece of a big picture like an atom. It is the atom’s job and our place to make the whole better with our small contribution. But if everyone does this, just like the trillion atoms in our body, the whole thing works. As Stephen Covey said, it starts within us and manifests outward. Start from within. Don’t change yourself to fit the external. Change yourself to manifest your purpose into the external.

You will feel it when you get fit. You will realize why you are here, how you can have purpose, and how your daily processes are making you a better person. You will feel the urge to help others get better.

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