Can Health Be Happiness

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By Mark Kaplan / September 16, 2021

These days in the midst of turmoil we might wonder Can Health Be Happiness. Happiness is gratitude. When we are grateful for something we have happiness is a good description. When something great happens for us, we would say happiness is part of the feeling. We might also feel pride and gratitude for those who helped us and for the circumstances that delivered our result.

We are preoccupied with health and safety from Covid these days. Yes, some are bent on protesting everything that has to do with Covid safety. Either way avoiding Covid is partly about vaccinations and masks and could be partly about being free of underlying conditions.

How Does Health Deliver Happiness

Health is mental, physical, and spiritual. Your status in each is a good measure of your quality of life. Those who make health a priority know that our life manifests from within and builds outward. As we feel, we shall behave. How we feel effects our perspective about our life. Is life with us or working against us.

Spiritual people want a healthy soul, auras, thoughts, and speech. They follow a clean diet and get exercise. They may meditate and do yoga. They drink green tea and may subscribe to a vegetarian diet. They are probably conscious of global warming and reducing their own carbon footprint.

The benefit of feeling great, is you want everyone around you to feel the same. Health and fitness connect you to your body and your body connects you to Nature. Nature is another word for God or a supreme intelligence that has provided everything we need. Health is a blessing and we usually earn it through hard work and consciousness.

When we feel connected, we know everyone else is too. If we want the best for ourselves in non material ways, we want the best for everyone. We come to the realization that mankind is the same species even if we have different characteristics. We are beginning to globally breathe in and out as one.

Stephen Covey has said that our influence begins internally and manifests outward. Healthy people want to have a positive effect on their circles, their community, mankind, and the earth. We begin with ourselves. We become the best we can in that it is our purpose. Living healthy and grateful is why we are here. Then we add the contribution of a skill or service. We see ourselves as one atom in a giant organic complex and reaching maximum health helps the organism reach maximum health.

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