Can Gratitude Be a Primary Goal?

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By Mark Kaplan / April 30, 2022

gratitude can be a primary goal

Making Gratitude a Primary Goal gives you a different perspective on time management. I like to finish every day saying it was a good day. I therefore plan my days so I can say that at the end.

What has to happen in your days that you control that is important to give your life the meaning you seek? We want our time to feel purposeful, meaningful, gratifying, and productive. We can select the activities that will deliver these qualities and create the time blocks for them.

What Are the Gratitude Activities?

I have several things I need in a day to feel purposeful and that I am enjoying why I am here. These activities fulfill both. I like to write in the mornings. I get up at 5 a.m. so that I have plenty of time without feeling rushed. I like to exercise on my bike, surfing, or taking a hike.

I have to plan my exercise to meld with my surf instruction business. The business, like yours, comes first, but the exercise makes my days meaningful. I need more time to drive a half hour to hike and then hike two hours and drive home. Not everyone has this kind of free time, but I look for the day each week I can accomplish it.

I have other things that make my day meaningful and I try to include them. Then several times a day I ask myself what I am grateful for. I tick off the list. I am grateful that my daughters are healthy and happy, that I am in good health, that I live at the ocean, that I get to do the thinks I like. It reminds me that life is good and that I am fulfilling my expectations.

Gratitude and Fulfillment

Setting up activities that will make you feel gratified is more fulfilling than hoping the goals you are striving for result in you being grateful. You can have gratitude before you accomplish your goals. You can be gratified that you are making progress. You can be gratified that you have the opportunity. You can be grateful for the support you are receiving and the people you are working with.

Gratitude is happiness. Happiness is fueled by good intentions, growth behaviors, supporting others, making a contribution, and learning. Be grateful you can engage in each of these and grateful during the day for the activities that are helping you grow. Let the measure of gratitude guide your behaviors.

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Get My Newest Book on Gratitude

Gratitude can be a primary goal. There are no hormones for gratitude like there are for stimulating happiness. Gratitude can be formed as a habit and deliver great contentment and happiness without shopping, achieving, or waiting for events. Learn to live in gratitude. 

Available on Kindle for $2.99 and in Paperback for $6.95


gratitude as a primary goal


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